Список форумов Дневники обучения Spin&Go Дневники обучения для новичков ‹NPCs for both sides will accept donations

NPCs for both sides will accept donations

Дневники обучения участников проекта ITCJunior

Модераторы: ArhPro, stesting, NoobSupport

ITC Points: -1,135 ITC
Поблагодарили: 0 раз.
Сообщения: 3

NPCs for both sides will accept donations of specific things to prepare for the AQ gate opening event. The gates themselves won't open on a host until all of the necessary tools are gathered.

While many servers are preparing for weeks to get the tools required to open the gates as quickly as you can, it might be worth contributing as someone to do your part. As a means to reward players for donating, NPCs reward donations with a little war supply item and"commendations" that can be used to make certain Horde and Alliance reputations.

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ITC Points: -1,135 ITC
Поблагодарили: 0 раз.
Сообщения: 3

The clerks will the ones keeping the store, fixing cracks in the ceiling, stocking supplies and money. The workers will soon be out on the front lines obtaining stuff for the shop. Logs, Ore, Bars, Runes etc.. The owner will then purchase the items in the workers, who are formally part of their buisness. Accountants are the ones who take money to the bank, calculate daily income and provide revenue during certain intervals in time. They're also the financial advisors to the Owners. The person who owns this buisness can fire any employee at any moment. As always, Constructive Critisism is always welcomed.

Certian Skill Capes For Freeplayers. You might be woundering what I mean by this. I beileve that freeplayers must have acess to any of the 9 (or so) skillcapes held by any of those skill masters. Obtaining level 99 of any ability is, undoubtedly, and very tedious task, however, totally free players also have a hard time (and in certian instances have it a bit harder than members, because of some of the very best coaching approaches being members only).

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