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65 celebrity looks with curly cop hair

Дневники обучения участников проекта ITCJunior

Модераторы: ArhPro, RealAsiaPoker, NoobSupport

ITC Points: -1,143 ITC
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Сообщения: 1

Cold, rubbing with clothes ... In winter, your hair is often electric. Like having no static electricity in your hair? Here are 6 tips to discipline her.

Just like a magnet, your hair is attracted to your hairbrush or sweater. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that their static electricity charge is opposite to that of these objects. They are as drawn. In winter, the situation worsens because the hair, lacking moisture becomes even more electric. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to fix it.

Causes of electric hair
Cold is the first cause of electric hair and as soon as it is below zero degrees, most hair is. It can also come from too frequent washing, dry air, or using too much shampoo. Finally, there is electric hair by nature, especially fine hair.

Tips to Avoid Electric Hair
To tame electric hair buy full lace wigs there are natural solutions, such as passing a drop of nourishing vegetable oil (argan, coconut etc.) in the hair. On the styling side, the use of an electric hairbrush or an anti-static shampoo can help to discipline long-lasting rebellious hair. You can also apply the following tips in addition:

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